From Intern to Employee

Every intern’s dreaded task is getting coffee. And it’s not just getting coffee – it’s remembering many precise orders that you somehow elude your memory. You’re left there thinking, “A college education leaving me in debt and all I have

Our Team’s Top Takeaways from #FacebookCommunityBoost

For those of us that work in social media, the learning process never ends. That’s why we were excited when the team at Facebook announced that they were stopping in Pittsburgh on their Community Boost Tour. We got to hear

Pennsylvania Roots: Developing PR Strategy in a Complicated State

Pennsylvania is a big, diverse, complicated state. To successfully operate here, organizations need to be prepared to communicate effectively with a broad range of stakeholders from the biggest cities as well as the smallest towns.   While Ceisler Media and

Finding New Angles to Appeal to the Media

One of the great client projects we at Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy help promote is “Comcast Cares Day” – the largest day of corporate volunteering in the nation. It’s rewarding work. This year, more than 100,000 volunteers across the

Professional headshot of Larry Ceisler in a suit smiling.

Larry Ceisler on Starbucks’ Crisis Management Strategy

Larry Ceisler was interviewed by NBC 10 Philadelphia for his take on the recent arrest of two black men at a local Starbucks. Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy specializes in crisis management for companies and organizations who find themselves in