White Ceisler Media logo over blue background of a desk with a laptop and other office supplies

What Movies, TV – and Oprah – Tell Us About Our Business

A Message from Larry Ceisler It’s always interesting—and sometimes perplexing—to watch your own profession portrayed in movies or TV. I’m sure doctors and lawyers watch shows about their jobs and think, “It doesn’t work that way at all.” Sometimes I

Amazon Original Flack

“Flack” on Amazon Prime—Where Art Doesn’t Imitate Life

Ceisler’s Alison Burdo watched the racy British show about crisis management and saw little in common with the work we perform. Credit: Amazon Prime Press agent. PR specialist. Publicist. Spokesperson. Mouthpiece. Spin doctor. Fixer. When it comes to public relations,

Instagram post on a phone while the person is simultaneously working on a laptop

Social Media’s Evolution, Influence Are Just Getting Started

Digital Associate Sharky Thomas foresees more content sharing, worldwide chatter and… computer-generated celebrities. Instagram: @lilmiquela In the beginning, there was MySpace. The early social media platform allowed users to customize their personal page, connect with friends or family and display

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry navigate media in a public outing

What Every Interviewee Can Learn From Meghan Markle

Preparation and clarity are essential in getting your story out effectively, writes Ceisler Media Senior Vice President Kirk Dorn. FiledIMAGE / Shutterstock.com I almost hate to admit this, but I watched the entire two-hour interview with Prince Harry and Meghan