Solid Information is Key to Solid Decisions – We’re Providing Even More – May Newsletter

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A Message from Larry Ceisler

As we continue through an uncertain anxiety-provoking period for so many of us, I’ve noticed a huge increase in the demand for news. Local news. National news. It makes sense. People not only want to know, but need to know the latest on what’s happening around them.

In the business world, the thirst for information is at an all-time high. With no playbook on how to operate, everyone is hungry to learn what others are trying or even the questions they are asking. What are industries doing to protect workers? How are other companies attempting to re-open? What is the impact of a legislative issue – locally, statewide, nationally or even globally?


From our Ceisler Media home offices across Pennsylvania, we’re proud to be able to keep our clients informed through comprehensive media and issue monitoring. It’s a service we’ve always provided, but one where our focus has increased as businesses look to develop strategies during of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Our team searches for and analyzes relevant items across platforms – print and broadcast, social and digital. If there’s a tweet out there that references a client, we’ll find it. If there’s a Zoom meeting where a particular sector’s future is being discussed, someone from our team is likely to be there.


We’ve monitored more than 100 such sessions already – from government hearings to tech councils to non-profit think-tank sessions. And we’re delighted to share more and more helpful findings with our clients.


Caitlin O’Connor, a Senior Associate on our team, has been our point person for all of this. Caitlin understands the nexus of communications, politics and grass roots organizations. She’s meticulous and detail oriented – which is important in this kind of thing.


Speaking of our statewide presence, this newsletter has great contributions from members of our team who are boosters of their hometown. Each explains what residents of their city, and some of our clients, are doing to help during the ongoing health crisis.


Senior Associate Alison Burdo writes of how Philadelphia’s renowned resolve shines through when needed most. Senior Associate Drew Murren explains why Harrisburg is, in fact, the keystone of the Keystone State. And our entire Pittsburgh office teamed up to write an ode to the Steel City – not surprisingly with a few boasts about its sports championships.


You’ll also find contributions and opinions from other Ceisler people, including a follow up piece from Associate David Huppert on how media around the state are covering the coronavirus – even as that media are sustaining serious cutbacks.


There’s also client news and updates on members or our team.


And here’s an update I’m happy to share: Senior Director Kirk Dorn continues to make progress from a heart transplant he received on Mar. 25. Kirk is receiving excellent care at the Johns Hopkins University Hospital and is out of the ICU, now in the step down unit. As always, Kirk, his family and all of us at Ceisler Media appreciate your well wishes. One message from Kirk: He misses watching Philadelphia sports during the shutdown, but he’s catching old games in replay on TV — and at least knows there will be a good ending when he watches.


Larry Ceisler

Principal, Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy

Client Highlights

Members of the Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists (PANA), received a boost when Gov. Tom Wolf cited the COVID-19 outbreak to declare a temporary blanked waiver enabling advanced practice nurses — including certified registered nurse anesthetists — to practice to the fullest extent of their education and training.


In conjunction with Mental Health Awareness Month, Entercom is airing educational vignettes on all of its stations featuring the voices of artists, celebrities and mental health specialists. The spots build on Entercom’s commitment to end the stigma of talking about mental health, especially now, in the nation’s collective COVID recovery.


Stress during the pandemic is causing a rise in child abuse — but more cases are going unreported. Carolina Castaño, lead forensic interviewer at Philadelphia Children’s Alliance , appeared on a CBS News feature explaining the challenges for those who protect children.


XTO Energy offers a unique scholarship – the Leader of Tomorrow Award – providing money both to an exemplary high school senior, as well as a community organization of that student’s choice. This year’s winner, Cole Goode of Belmont, Ohio, selected the local Habitat for Humanity chapter to receive a $1,000 grant donation from XTO.


Belmont Charter Network hosted a car parade as a creative and safe way for students to see their teachers outside of virtual classrooms for the first time in two months. Nearly 50 teachers decorated their cars for the occasion and drove around a 2.5-mile route as their students – ranging from Pre-K to 10th grade – cheered and waved from the sidewalk in front of their houses.


Since the onset of the pandemic, Liberty Coca-Cola Beverages has donated more than 240,000 bottles of beverages such as Powerade, Dasani, Coke Energy and Dunkin Donuts bottled coffee — along with 5,000 facemasks — to hospitals and food pantries throughout Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York City.

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