Social Media Strategy in 2023: What’s Happening with Threads and X (Twitter)?

A phone sits in a person's hands with X, Threads, Instagram and Facebook apps visible on the screen.
The disability pride flag.

Social media is an ever-changing landscape of platforms, algorithms and trending content. In the past year, we’ve seen more changes than usual due to Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter (now X) and Meta’s launch of Threads. 

These changes left social media managers with many questions. Should our business or clients start posting on Threads? Is X still a relevant platform? When should we replace Twitter’s bird logo on our website?  

It’s our job at Ceisler Media to stay on top of these changes to steer clients in the right direction. 


Should we still use Twitter … I mean, X?

For more than a decade, Twitter has been an integral part of businesses’ social media strategies, used to communicate with audiences.  

Many Ceisler Media clients have used Twitter, and the switch to X hasn’t necessarily changed that. But changes within the platform have affected user behavior and platform popularity globally. 

Most highly active users continued to use the platform but posted less frequently, according to the Pew Research Center. For these users, the average number of tweets per month declined by 25% following Musk’s purchase. However, millions of Americans continue to use the platform through the transition. 

Are you wondering whether Twitter is worth the effort anymore?

We suggest relying on analytics to inform future strategy. As an example, NPR decided to leave Twitter and use alternative means for engaging their audience. 

However, every situation is different. You may notice that posting organic content is still worthwhile, but Twitter (X) advertising isn’t producing adequate ROI for your organization.  

For X to thrive under new management, the company needs to market the change and work to keep users. 


Should we start using Threads by Meta?

Social media users were surprised by the quick launch of Threads in early July 2023. By late July, more than half the people who signed up for Threads weren’t regularly using the app, but that doesn’t mean it’s a failure. 

It’s reasonable to suspect changes within the Twitter platform rushed the launch of Threads as Meta saw an opportunity to capitalize on any discontent around the leadership transition. 

Upon using the app, many users reported frustration with missing search functions on the site and questionable algorithm choices — features that could’ve been adjusted with more time in development. 

For businesses, the platform is difficult to use because it’s not integrated with third-party scheduling platforms, such as Sprout Social and Hootsuite. Posting content in real time isn’t as convenient when it’s possible to schedule posts in advance on other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn. 

Threads also hasn’t rolled out advertising options at this point, meaning any strategies would be solely organic. A Meta source reported that Threads won’t introduce ads until its user base reaches a “critical mass.” 

Although the platform has some downsides, Threads is predicted to stay the course. If Threads keeps 30 percent of their active users, that’s still 30 million — significantly more than any other Twitter competitor.  

Undoubtedly, Threads has something other competitors don’t: the Meta brand name and umbrella. Integration with Instagram is another bonus because you don’t have to build followers from scratch.  

Are you wondering if you should invest in Threads?

For Threads to stand the test of time, Meta needs its users to stop seeing the platform for what it’s not (Twitter/X). As the novelty continues to die down, people will have a reason to keep coming back.


Businesses and individual users will do what’s best for them, using the most convenient and worthwhile platform. There may be room for both X and Threads to thrive long-term, but only time will tell whether one will come out on top. 

Ally Roshannon smiling at the camera, with her long red hair down.

Ally Roshannon is the Digital Content Associate in Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy’s Harrisburg office.


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