A Message from Larry Ceisler

Our focus this month is on politics, and there’s no shortage of meaty topics to examine.
Start with my Q&A centered on Pennsylvania elections — I talk about the importance of the election coming up in a couple of weeks, as well as next year’s. I think the Nov. 2 races, while they have garnered little attention, may be a strong indicator of how the state votes in 2022. And you’ll see my thoughts one year out on Pennsylvania’s open seats for governor and U.S. senator. The upcoming months will be critical in those races.
Senior Vice President Kurt Knaus reports from Harrisburg that, not surprisingly, state legislators appear more focused on winning future elections than solving Pennsylvania’s current problems.
This month’s “Lead Time” audio blog from COO and Senior Vice President Kate Wilhelm examines the constant flow of change in business, and how savvy leaders embrace it. Like most companies, we’ve experienced transitions in the past two years — and Kate is an expert in always turning them into progress.
We also introduce Shannon Wink, our new Director of Digital Strategy, whose advice column offers tips on starting a new job when most of your coworkers are still on the other end of a Zoom call.
And I’m happy to announce the addition of Senior Account Executive Kenneth Hilario, who adds versatility as a writer, social media expert and creative content developer.
Several of our team members have made the news in positive ways in recent weeks, and you’ll read that below.
We’ve got exciting updates on what our clients are up to. And be sure to read — and share — the postings about available jobs here at Ceisler Media.
Give it a read and let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you.
Larry Ceisler
Founder, Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy
Client News & Highlights

Meet Our Newest Team Members
We at Ceisler Media are pleased to announce the hiring of two new team members – Director of Digital Strategy Shannon Wink and Senior Account Executive Kenneth Hilario. Both add valuable experience and creativity to our staff.
Shannon Wink will lead the Digital and Creative Services Team working with our clients to tell their stories and drive results.
“This is an increasingly important aspect of our business,” said Founder Larry Ceisler. “We’re delighted to add someone who has Shannon’s expertise and cross section of experience.”
Shannon most recently served as Senior Digital Content Manager for Visit Philly. Prior to that she worked for Broke in Philly, served as the Editor of Billy Penn and as a social media strategist at WHYY.
Kenneth Hilario is adept at managing social media accounts and developing creative content strategies. He is proficient as a photographer, videographer and marketing strategist.
He previously worked as a content specialist for En Route Marketing in Philadelphia. The Temple University graduate began his career as a staff reporter for the Philadelphia Business Journal.
Ceisler Team in the News
Special Projects Director Jeff Barg, who writes the Angry Grammarian column for the Philadelphia Inquirer, gave a talk at Fast Forward Philly on “Words and Phrases You Need to Stop Using Now.” In a seven-minute tour de force of our language, Jeff examined why so many of our everyday words, phrases and grammatical constructions are racist, problematic or just plain dumb. Watch the video to learn how you’ve been speaking wrong. Ceisler Consultant Glen Macnow’s son, Dr. Theodore Macnow, recently had a study published in the prestigious JAMA Pediatrics on the connection between concussion recovery and limiting screen time for children. That earned a front page story in the Philadelphia Inquirer, which quoted Glen on his fatherly pride and featured a photo of three generations of Macnow men. Director of Digital Strategy Shannon Wink was recently featured in a WHYY story focusing on how the shortage of daycare workers in Pennsylvania is creating challenges for working parents. With a scarcity of childhood teachers, Wink (mother of a 16-month-old daughter) and other parents of young children are scrambling to find coverage.