Our Clients Are the Best—Let Us Tell You Why

White Ceisler Media logo over blue background of a desk with a laptop and other office supplies

A Message from Larry Ceisler

The message of this month’s newsletter is straightforward: We want to tell everyone how much we appreciate our clients.


At Ceisler Media we have the privilege of representing companies that operate on a global level and others whose interests don’t extend beyond local limits. We get to help good causes amplify their message. We work hand-in-hand with professional associations seeking to improve things for their members.


I still love the work after all these years, and know I can say the same for our team members in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. The last year has created challenges for many of our clients, and we’ve been proud to be with them as they move forward.


As you scroll down, you’ll read a sampling of short testimonials that Ceisler people wrote about just some of those with whom we partner. And we spun a few into longer stories.


Senior Vice President Kirk Dorn authored a compelling blog about strong leaders he gets to work with. Kirk focuses most on Aaron Walton, the outstanding President of Cheyney University. Given that this is Black History Month, Cheyney’s rank as the nation’s first Historically Black College makes the timing of Kirk’s piece particularly relevant.


Sam Gorodetzer, one of our associates, writes about his exciting experience working with Independence Blue Cross as it developed the innovative “Well City Challenge” program. And Senior Account Executive Drew Murren explains the coalition-building and messaging we’ve accomplished with The Immigration Hub, an organization looking for humane, commonsense solutions to fix America’s broken immigration system.


You’ll also find my Q&A with some up-to-the-minute political analysis after a monumental month in that realm.


And be sure to click on the fun animation at the bottom of this newsletter, which tells you some of the new books our team members have enjoyed reading this winter. You might discover one you’ll like as well.


Give it a read and let me know your thoughts. And, from all of us at Ceisler Media, stay safe.

Why We Love Our Clients 💘

At Ceisler Media we’re proud to work with companies, associations and causes of all sizes and varied industries. Here is what our team members have to say about a sampling of the good people we represent:


I have had the privilege of seeing how much Liberty Coca-Cola Beverages does for its local communities throughout Philadelphia, New York and New Jersey over the past three years. But watching it turn into an “essential” business practically overnight was remarkable. Everyone in the company – from drivers, to warehouse associates, to salespeople to operational managers – stepped up to make sure first responders and the broader community could continue to count on much-needed products like milk, water and sports drinks to be supplied safely and on time. – Elise Corbett

Our work with Entercom started as they were relocating their national headquarters and all their local stations in Philadelphia to 2400 Market Street. Our work together touched on one of our strongest attributes – the relationships we have that allowed us to highlight this transformational moment in the company’s history. Our work continues the nation’s No. 1 creator of live original, local audio content as we help spotlight their continued work in the communities they represent. – Kate Wilhelm

When governmental agencies nationwide outsource their business processing needs (like processing parking and lottery tickets) they turn to PRWT. They also turn to its subsidiary, US Facilities, to staff and manage buildings and facilities. We help PRWT communicate its message, as Philadelphia’s largest minority-owned company, that equally important to providing excellent service is recruiting its workforce from disadvantaged communities, providing support and opportunity to overcome and grow. During Black History Month we are proud to recognize PRWT Founder Willie F. Johnson and President & CEO Malik Majeed. -Elise Corbett
Online, accredited, nonprofit Western Governors University is meeting with business and community leaders to tackle important topics facing the commonwealth, such as removing barriers to college degrees for under-served communities, workforce development and expanding access to broadband internet. WGU Regional Vice President Rebecca Watts, PhD, authored an op-ed in regional business journals citing higher education’s obligation to prepare students for changing workforce needs. To partner with WGU on workforce training for your organization, contact Ceisler Media to start a conversation. – Michael Rodriguez
Wesley Family Services, a behavioral health and therapeutic support provider, has been a client of our firm for years. I’ve had the pleasure of working very closely with the organization, and their staff members are phenomenal. They are devoted, innovative and compassionate. Every single day they strive to empower local children, adults, and families by providing transformational care. – Caitlin O’Connor
As part of its $10 million commitment to support organizations working for social justice and equity, Vistra and Dynegy donated $50,000 to fund the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh’s Black Female Leadership Development Institute and Center for Economic Self Reliance. – Kurt Knaus

The state’s charitable food network has been in overdrive since the start of the pandemic to meet the surging demand among individuals and families who have been affected by the economic slowdown caused by COVID-19. Hunger-Free Pennsylvania and its members on average are serving 2.4 million Pennsylvanians each month, many of them turning to food banks for the very first time. – Kurt Knaus 

As part of The Galman Group’s mission to provide great places to live for individuals and families across the Delaware Valley, the company makes it a priority to give back to the communities it serves. Through the COVID-19 pandemic, their leadership team worked with property managers and other staff members to donate meals to frontline workers at area hospitals. They coordinated food drives for local non-profit organizations and pantries, provided recreation centers with school supplies to support student access centers, and partnered with vendors to supply health systems with PPE. They continue to raise their hand to help. – Brian Dries
The story we are helping tell for the Housing Authority of Baltimore City is the huge turnaround the once-beleaguered organization is engineering. As the lead agency in the city developing affordable housing, HABC has been the major contributor in fighting homelessness. We are currently helping keep residents and the general public informed of progress of the massive $1 billion Perkins Oldtown Somerset neighborhoods redevelopment plan, which in addition to affordable and market rate housing, also includes a 21st Century school, neighborhood improvements and new opportunities aimed at helping low-income families meet their goals. – Kirk Dorn

Capital Region Water’s innovative approach to stormwater management will improve the health of local waterways in and around Harrisburg, restore failing infrastructure in the capital city, and beautify neighborhoods through community greening projects. – Kurt Knaus

I’m happy to work with Conservation Voters of PA, one of our state’s largest environmental advocates, to fight for the increased funding that SEPTA and our transit agencies need to power Pennsylvania’s economy – Anthony Campisi
Working with Keystone Votes, in partnership with the administration and General Assembly, Pennsylvania ushered in some of the most sweeping election reforms in 80 years, ensuring the state’s election process is safe, secure, fair and accessible to all. – Kurt Knaus

From the first days of COVID-19, Ben Franklin Technology Partners and its clients have worked around the clock to improve the human condition and address critical challenges – from treatments and testing to logistics and other support mechanisms. These include mobilizing or retooling manufacturing to produce medical supplies and products keeping people healthy and safe. Recognizing the agility of early-stage technology, the state tagged Ben Franklin to help launch the “Pennsylvania Manufacturing Call to Action Portal,” rapidly mobilizing innovative manufacturers to produce critical medical products in response to the virus. – Michael Rodriguez

I’ve been assisting the Fitler Club with the rollout of their inaugural Nonprofit in Residence program, for which local 501(c)3s vied for the club’s support in extending their mission and impact. The program is an outreach of the club’s Community First commitment, and the winning nonprofit gets coworking space, the opportunity to create in-house programming and more. So I was delightfully surprised when the chosen nonprofit was “Rock to the Future,” a music education nonprofit that I’ve volunteered with for almost eight years. They do inspiring work, and now that they’ve partnered with Fitler Club, they’ll be able to reach all new audiences. – Jeff Barg
As part of its “Committed to Serve” initiative, Republic Services donated $5,000 to Emmanuel UMC of Windsor in Windsor Township, Eastern York Food Pantry in Lower Windsor Township, Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen in York and the York County Food Bank to ensure residents and families in need during this pandemic have direct access to healthy, nutritious meals in their communities. – Kurt Knaus
We’re proud to represent American Airlines, for whom Philadelphia serves as the largest hub. From community relations efforts when the Eagles headed to the Super Bowl to strategic communications counsel on challenging issues, including the impact of COVID, our longstanding partnership with world’s largest airline is a shining example of how we can adapt to our clients’ needs. – Larry Ceisler
In the most ordinary situations, surgery and anesthesia can be intimidating or frightening. Our Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) clients provide families comfort and reassurance by never leaving their loved one’s side. When this pandemic separated families in crisis, their promise to be there for every heartbeat, every breath, took on a whole new meaning. – Kurt Knaus

The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority brings a different kind of communications theme: How do you preserve and rebuild affordable housing in one of the most expensive housing markets in the country? To help them demonstrate the demand, we recently promoted the opening of their waiting list, in which they received 45,000 applications in a city of 160,000 residents. We look forward to continuing to promote ARHA’s well-planned programs to serve low-income and working families. – Kirk Dorn

The Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association‘s advocacy work is admirable. No other organization in the commonwealth represents such a broad swath of the human services sector. Every day RCPA steps up to represent the interests of providers and the people they serve in the arenas of drug and alcohol, mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, criminal justice, children’s services, brain injury, medical and vocational rehab, physical disabilities and aging. – Courtney Accurti

When Cheyney University became a client of Ceisler Media, I was proud to be chosen for the team working with the institution. Yes, it’s because it is America’s oldest HBCU. To me that meant being part of something with deep historical roots. Of great significance is that in 2019, many people thought because of its serious financial woes, Cheyney University’s life was over. Cheney’s resurgence changed that. I’m proud to have played a role in that. – Larry Miller

We have been fortunate to represent one of the nation’s most innovative affordable housing agencies in the nation, The Philadelphia Housing Authority, for many years. As we help PHA keep the public informed on progress of the Authority’s multi-year rebuild of the formerly devastated Sharswood neighborhood, we able to work with PHA’s many partner organizations citywide on producing even more homes, and services that Open Doors to Opportunity. – Kirk Dorn
When a community suffers trauma, healing takes time, hard work and a whole lot of heart. In Pittsburgh, the people of the 10.27 Healing Partnership spend every day serving those affected by the October 27, 2018 synagogue mass shooting. They provide opportunities for reflection, support and connection for individuals, families and organizations. And above all they honor the memory of the 11 men and women lost that day. – Keegan Gibson
Future Works Alliance PHL is driving purposeful change in Greater Philadelphia to better prepare the region for the ongoing disruption of automation and artificial intelligence. Formed following the dissolution of the city of Philadelphia’s Office of Workforce Development, Future Works comprises tenacious and passionate leaders committed to advancing our economy, education and environment to ensure southeast Pennsylvania will thrive for generations. I share their dedication and determination to position our region as a resilient and adaptable hub, creating paths for a diverse range of people to flourish. I am honored to support Future Works’ innovative yet pragmatic mission. – Alison Burdo
In the past year, AmeriHealth Caritas Partnership (ACP) has brought an innovative approach to their community health-focused work in the face of COVID-19 limitations. Every year, ACP hosts dozens of free workshops on living healthy, managing chronic diseases, and raising awareness about health disparities. But when the pandemic hit, ACP was forced to rethink how they would deliver their programming in an online setting. So in March 2020, ACP launched “Operation Activate” to build out their digital capabilities. We’re proud to have worked alongside ACP as they grew their social followers by nearly 10-fold and hosted an impressive slate of virtual educational and professional development events. – Krystal Bonner
No matter the circumstances, the Philadelphia Children’s Alliance welcomes the city’s sexually abused children into its facility and provides them with the healing services they need—along with a teddy bear for extra snuggles and support. Through the pandemic, PCA has nimbly adapted operations to ensure that Philadelphia’s most vulnerable kids always have somewhere to turn. It has been a privilege to work with PCA’s professionals as they work to prevent abuse before it starts. Their devotion to creating a safer environment for every child has provided me with invaluable insights and inspiration, demonstrating how each of us can make an impact. – Shannon McLaughlin
The Chester Housing Authority has been a steady institution for years, and that became even truer during the pandemic. The CHA continued to place families in new housing even during the statewide shutdown and made sure people could stay safe inside their homes. And the CHA continued its mission to support healthy lifestyles—moving in-person programming online, which provided monthly educational, operational and community updates to housing and city residents through the new online Community Building series. Leadership’s quick response and consistent management was exceptional, and I was proud to help tell that story to the public. – Elise Corbett 
I am grateful to amplify the vital and impactful work of the Women’s Community Revitalization Project, which has been committed for decades to social and economic equity for low-income women and their families. The pandemic intensified the urgent need for affordable housing solutions, and the women-led, Philadelphia-based nonprofit stepped up to the challenge. Despite COVID-19 disrupting multiple industries and paralyzing many civic-minded organizations, WCRP forged ahead with the development of the permanently affordable Mamie Nichols towns, championed equitable housing policy, and generated research offering solutions to the local affordable housing crisis. I am fortunate to support WCRP as it fosters housing equity throughout Philadelphia. – Alison Burdo
We are fortunate to work closely with the Pa Family Support Alliance, the state’s leader in child abuse prevention and education. They are a small but mighty organization, training thousands of people across the commonwealth every year about the warning signs of abuse and neglect. Their team members are experts in the field and they are exceptional. They are truly committed and remain steadfast in their mission to create an environment that is safe and free from abuse, so Pennsylvania’s children can thrive. – Caitlin O’Connor

Our Staff Recommendations

We asked Ceisler Media team members to name a good book they discovered while passing the time at home. Here are some of their favorite reads—which we think you may enjoy as well.

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