A Message from Larry Ceisler
Welcome to our year-end newsletter. Let me start by wishing you and yours a happy and peaceful holiday season from all of us at Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy.
Like you, we are looking forward to 2021 and the promise of a safer, calmer New Year. I think we’ll all be happy to have 2020 behind us.
Challenging as the past year was, we appreciate that we were able to expand existing relationships and build new ones at Ceisler Media. Recognizing the evolving media landscape, we started a new Digital Team, headed by Director of Digital & Creative Services, Krystal Bonner.
This month’s issue focuses on how we’ve all adapted and persisted through 2020. Our lead article comes from Senior Director Kirk Dorn, who underwent a heart transplant in March. Kirk, who is feeling much better now, writes on the frustration of sitting on the sideline while COVID impacted the clients he works so hard to represent. I’m sure you’ll find his story engrossing.
Chief Operating Officer Kate Wilhelm writes eloquently about the lessons learned in a year of adversity, and the need for grace, change, and growth in this unsteady environment.
Even before the pandemic hit, our firm began moving toward remote working and connecting our people and clients through innovative communications tools. Cynthia McCurdy, our Director of Business Operations, explains how we are continuing to adapt for the future.
There are other interesting articles. In “Miller’s Musings,” Special Projects Manager Larry Miller calls for increased civil discourse during these anxious times. Associate David Huppert, colorfully narrates how when the pandemic shut everything down, he embarked on a 108-day road trip across America. And two departing interns – Maya Williams and Hannah Blank – recount what they learned during their time with us, even if they didn’t get to meet most of their co-workers.
We’ve got interesting news about our clients, and holiday photos of our own people.
Give it a read and let me know your thoughts. And, again, from all of us at Ceisler Media, we wish you and yours a happy, safe holiday. Here’s looking forward to seeing you – in person – in 2021.
Client News
Election Systems & Software

Comcast NBCUniversal

PHLConnectED, the initiative providing free internet and devices to Philadelphia School District students, is expanding its eligibility to households in need. The program, funded by Comcast NBCUniversal and others, has already connected more than 12,000 students to the internet.
10.27 Healing Partnership

Belmont Charter Network

Client Highlights
Entercom teamed up with the Ad Council as the exclusive audio production partner for COPING-19, a national public service advertising campaign aimed at raising awareness and providing tips and resources to help people experiencing mental health challenges. The project is part of Entercom Serves, the company’s social impact platform, designed to raise awareness of social issues and bring communities together for good. Entercom will donate time and space across its portfolio of broadcast, digital and social media assets.
PRWT Services Inc. President & CEO Malik Majeed offered a prescription for a post-COVID economic recovery in this Philadelphia Business Journal column. His plan calls for a national stimulus package and calls upon local business leaders to work collaboratively with government, civic organizations, universities, and research centers.
Chester Housing Authority
The Chester Housing Authority (CHA) and Everest Urgent Care provided COVID-19 testing sites for city residents throughout November. Residents were able to take free rapid results tests, which deliver results as soon as one day after testing.
Future Works Alliance PHL
The founder of Future Works Alliance PHL, Anne Gemmell, appeared on NBC10’s @ Issue to discuss how Greater Philadelphia can ready its workforce to deal with changes from automation and artificial intelligence. Future Works recently announced its advisory board members, including Sheila Ireland, deputy secretary of workforce development for the Commonwealth; Tracey Welson Rossman, founder of the TechGirlz Foundation; and Chad Womack of the United Negro College Fund.
Ceisler News
Kurt Knaus, Guest Columnist for Delaware County Daily Times
Billions of dollars in COVID-19 recovery investments, along with thousands of jobs, are threatened by attacks on energy pipeline infrastructure, writes Senior Director Kurt Knaus in this Delaware County Daily Times guest column (subscription required).
Ceisler Families Celebrating the Holidays
As we at Ceisler Media wish you all a joyous holiday season, please enjoy these photos of some of our team celebrating with family members — some of the four-legged variety.