A Message from Larry Ceisler

In her monthly video blog, COO and Executive Vice President Kate Wilhelm describes some of the keys behind creating successful campaigns — and the importance of seeing each client as unique.
Senior Vice President Kirk Dorn offers sage guidance for organizations and agencies dealing with irrational agitators — best known these days as “trolls.” Kirk, who has directed many a crisis communications effort, writes that you should never ignore your critics — nor should you overreact.
It’s often challenging to get media coverage for your good work. Keegan Gibson, a Director in our Pittsburgh office, is adept at gaining what’s known in the business as “earned media” and offers some tips on getting that attention you deserve.
And Julia Wolf, our creative manager, has some great advice geared toward designers. If you’re in that field — or employ someone who is — her list of ideas will save you time and effort.
Unrelated to this month’s theme, two members of our Ceisler Media team are appearing in separate plays this fall at the Players Club of Swarthmore. In a conversational blog, Special Projects Director Jeff Barg and Consultant Glen Macnow discuss how they caught the acting bug, and what it’s like to be on stage when you suddenly forget your lines.
We’ve got lots of good news about what our clients are up to.
And please make sure to scroll down to the bottom of this newsletter, where our “Ceisler Favorites” feature this month lists our staff’s favorite podcasts. Included are two of my own picks. I don’t know if you’ll be surprised by my choices — but I do think you’d find each an interesting listen.
Larry Ceisler
Lead Time with Kate Wilhelm | Episode 4 | One Size Does Not Fit All

In the newest episode of “Lead Time,” Ceisler Media COO and Executive Vice President Kate Wilhelm explains how one size does not fit all when it comes to crafting campaigns — and reviews some of the items in the toolbox that can maximize effectiveness.

Client News & Highlights
There is much breaking news with Ceisler Media clients this month, from helping an international humanitarian effort to leading the way in mental health awareness.
Read About Our Clients
Ceisler News

Our Ceisler Media Philadelphia team enjoyed a rare chance to get together for a happy hour at The Lawn at Loveluck in Center City. Some new and some old faces, and the first chance in a while to get the team together for fun, beer and French fries.
Ceisler Media Favorites
We asked some of our team members to share their favorite podcasts. They come up with a great blend of mystery, politics and pop culture.