2022 Pennsylvania Election Preview: Voting Rights and Redistricting’s Impact
A conversation between Larry Ceisler and Salewa Ogunmefun, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Voice.
A conversation between Larry Ceisler and Salewa Ogunmefun, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Voice.
Our firm’s founder sits down with the president and CEO of Committee of Seventy for a deep dive on the upcoming races for mayor, City Council, governor, Senate and more.
The Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy staff had a productive, rewarding summer serving clients and reflecting on the work we love.
Youssef Georgy, Keanu Ibarrondo, Jahnaya Peyton and Samra Smajlovic make great additions to our team. Summer 2022 was exceptionally busy at Ceisler Media.
Ceisler Media Senior Vice President Kirk Dorn on how Sesame Place bungled its response to a family’s negative experience. The recent incident at Sesame Place, in which two six-year-old Black girls seeking high fives got snubbed by a performer in a Rosita costume, offers a perfect illustration of the mistake so many organizations make when dealing with a crisis.
Clients’ needs ebb and flow, but summer isn’t the time to slack off. Senior Account Executive Kenneth Hilario has tips on how to adjust messaging approaches for the upcoming season. Summer is almost here, and, before you know it, so is the “summer slump.”