A sign for the Pennsylvania State Capitol in front of the iconic Harrisburg building

Pennsylvania And The Rise Of The Independent

Independents in Pennsylvania are having a moment. When Gov. Josh Shapiro was inaugurated this week, his speech included only one mention of political party: “You … sent a clear message — Democrats, Republicans and Independents — when you came together to resoundingly reject extremism.”

An icon of hands shaking in front of the Harrisburg Capitol building

How To Make Progress In A Hectic Harrisburg Environment

With new Pennsylvania legislative maps and many freshman legislators, follow these tips for making your cause — and your clients — heard. It’s a new year, a new Pennsylvania legislative session, and a lot of our clients are asking the same question: What the hell is going on in Harrisburg?

Microphones surrounding a man in a suit with a blue tie

Every Audience Matters in a Crisis

It shouldn’t surprise anyone in the post-pandemic world we now live that a crisis of epic proportions would close out 2022. Although, Southwest Airlines’ crisis will not end when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve.

An example of brevity in writing with a paragraph edited to remove unnecessary words and phrases

Some Brief Words on Brevity

I was fortunate to spend 25 years at KYW Newsradio, the all-news institution in Philadelphia, working as a reporter, editor, and City Hall bureau chief. I learned a lot – about people, about politics, about this incredible city, and – perhaps more than anything – about the value of brevity in communicating.

Antisemitism on the Rise

Why people hate me, and why you should care.

In recent months, we have seen an alarming rise in celebrities using their platforms to attack the Jewish people, some more brazen than others. We expect slight increases in antisemitic acts during election cycles and the holidays, but recent numbers have been unprecedented.

Taylor Swift photo with a Ticketmaster Tweet apologizing for the ticket purchasing experience in 2023

Taylor, Ticketmaster and Seizing the Moment to Drive Issue Advocacy

To begin, full disclosure: I am not a die-hard Taylor Swift fan, aka a “Swiftie.” I am, however, a big fan of issue advocacy. And the recent Taylor Eras Tour-Ticketmaster sale debacle is a case study in how to seize the moment to advance your issue, policy, or legislation.