Television cameras set up to record an event during morning media coverage

A look inside early-morning live TV news coverage for clients

There are often days where Ceisler Media staff members wake up early – very, very early – for client work, especially when it comes to morning TV coverage. In April this year, we worked with Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance (PFSA) in support of its annual blue ribbon-flag planting event in Harrisburg, where the client was speaking with several news stations as early as 5:30 a.m.

Shannon Wink's Apple laptop sitting on top of her daughters' play mat surrounded by toys

Back to work after maternity leave

If you’ve been on a video call with me in the last few months, I probably turned my camera off once or twice during the call. That’s me taking space to adjust or remove the breast pump I dutifully wear every two hours so I can return home to my 5-month-old each day with just enough milk for her next few bottles.

Larry Ceisler standing with a microphone, speaking for the Center City Business Association about key election takeaways

5 key takeaways on the upcoming elections from Larry Ceisler & Mustafa Rashed

Larry Ceisler, founder of Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy, and Mustafa Rashed, President & CEO of Bellevue Strategies, recently spoke at a Center City Business Association luncheon, where the two shared insights as respected political thought leaders on the changing political landscape of Philadelphia.

TV news camera recording footage in a studio

Acting fast to get TV coverage for a client on a mission

Ceisler Media works with the United Methodist Conference of Western Pennsylvania (WPAUMC) to highlight the Conference’s community commitment. This month the Mission Barn, a part of the United Methodist Committee on Relief, gathered volunteers to collect cleaning materials for those affected by the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment.