Vice President Kamala Harris looks into the distance with a serious expression

Connecting With Your Audience Is Not A Fault

Another day, yet another story about a female presidential candidate and her so-called shortcomings related to whether she is likeable enough. Or warm enough. Or maybe even once ate salad with a comb because she didn’t have a fork (gross,

The Changing Capitol Media Landscape

Is there really ever too much of a good thing? Not when it’s good journalism, and especially not when that coverage is focused on the statehouse. A few years ago, news out of Harrisburg (and other state capitals, for that

Collage of Spring 2019 Ceisler Media Interns. Three women smile in professional attire.

Meet Our Spring Interns!

Ceisler Media has interns year-round. Our interns help out with a variety of daily tasks and long-term projects. Now that our spring interns are settled in, meet Amana, Katherine and Camila!   The Basics Name: Amana Abdurrezak University: Bryn Mawr

White Ceisler Media logo over blue background of a desk with a laptop and other office supplies

Principal’s Perspective – on Politics

Virginia politics is facing a leadership crisis, compounded by communications quagmires. At Ceisler Media, we have vast experience guiding clients through complex times. The Democratic Party finds itself in a crisis of its own doing. Starting in December 2017 with