Larry Ceisler smiling during an interview, wearing a buttondown and sweater

Larry Ceisler on Iowa Caucus Chaos

Note: One day after the Iowa Caucus, when the party was still unable to release results of the voting, Ceisler Media Principal Larry Ceisler sat down with Senior Consultant Glen Macnow to discuss the impact of the chaos that occurred

White Ceisler Media logo over blue background of a desk with a laptop and other office supplies

State of the Union Address Analysis

President Trump delivered his third State of the Union address on Tuesday, Feb. 4. He did so while under impeachment, although his acquittal was imminent. He addressed Congress on the heels of what was nothing short of a debacle in

Collage of four Ceisler Media spring interns

Ceisler’s Spring 2020 Interns

Every spring, summer and fall, Ceisler Media welcomes a new group of interns into our offices. Our interns assist with a variety of research and media-related tasks and appreciate their work. Meet our spring interns! Izzy Chausse Hi, I’m Izzy

Three Pennsylvania politicians, including Tom Wolf and John Fetterman.

State Budget Dance Begins, Questions Linger

Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his proposed 2020-21 General Fund budget on Feb. 4 before a joint session of House and Senate members and administration officials. As they always do this time of year, Republicans and Democrats alike — and even