Tips and Strategies from a Seasoned Telecommuter

Author’s Note: Working from home the past five months has been rewarding, but also requires patience and understanding. While seeing my kids play provides perspective and energy boosts, I’ve also had to frequently remind them I am working and can’t

A Day in the Life at Ceisler Media

Note: Mary Gebbia is the administrative associate at Ceisler Media’s Philadelphia office, which means she makes sure everything runs smoothly for everyone working at or visiting 1525 Locust Street. She’s also the warm face you see when you get off

At CMIA, Office Culture Makes Work Feel Like . . . Not Work

A few weeks ago I attended a career fair at Temple University to recruit summer interns. One of the most commonly asked questions I received was, “What is Ceisler Media’s culture?” It’s a great question. For many prospective employees, “culture”

Networking Tips for the Introvert

One benefit of working at a company with as many connections as Ceisler Media has is the opportunity to build my network by attending events. Whether covering hearings at City Council or going to meetings for the Philadelphia Association of