During a Troubled Time, Local Media Excels

In one of the darkest crises since World War II, local journalism is shining bright. News of the coronavirus has dominated the public’s attention for over a month. Regional news organizations are delivering when citizens need them most. CMIA Principal

A person sits at a laptop to type wearing a dark yellow sweater

Welcome to your New Job – Now Stay Home

Author’s note: Since I wrote this, I have completed my first five months with Ceisler Media. In this time, I have moved apartments, tried to make my work-from-home setup efficient and spent weeks logging into work from my parents’ home

Crisis Communications Rules Apply During Pandemic

As organizations across the world and our region confront the fallout from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to remember the fundamentals of crisis communications. While the global outbreak of a new and deadly virus may be unprecedented, those impacted

Ceisler Media Expands Digital Expertise

Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy is proud to announce the hiring of four new members to our team, with the focus on further expanding our expertise in digital media. Krystal Bonner becomes the first Director of our Digital and Creative